News & Blog

Keeping your smile happy and healthy with help from Mckenzies Dental Surgery

13 April 2017  

The Sevenoaks dentists at Mckenzies Dental Surgery in London Road are proud to support National Smile Month, the UK’s largest and longest-running campaign to promote good oral health. National Smile Month highlights three key messages, all of which go a long way in helping people develop and maintain a healthy mouth. They are: Brush your…

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Sevenoaks dentists ask ‘who can resist chocolate and sweet treats at Easter?’

20 March 2017  

The Easter bunny is on his way laden with chocolate, sweets, hot cross buns and other sweet treats and at this time of the year it’s hard to resist. But the Sevenoaks dentists and hygiene team at Mckenzies Dental Surgery in Kent remind us that sugar is not just bad for our waistlines. Instead of…

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Are you teaching your children the correct tooth brushing techniques? ask our Sevenoaks dentists

15 February 2017  

Chances are you taught your children how to brush their teeth and your parents taught you. But our Sevenoaks dentists ask: have you ever been shown how to bush your teeth by a professional? Could you be passing on bad habits to your children that they could pass onto theirs? The team at Mckenzies Dental…

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Sevenoaks dentist stresses the importance of your medical history

16 January 2017  

You will have no doubt noticed that you are asked at every dental appointment to fill in a medical history form. Cue groans! The forms can vary from dental practice to dental practice but what they have in common is that they often cause irritation to patients. Conrad Nel, the principal dentist at Mckenzies Dental…

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Sevenoaks dentists urge you to put your dental health first in 2017

16 December 2016  

Many changes can occur in your mouth in just a matter of months, which is why the dentists at Mckenzies Dental Surgery in Sevenoaks, Kent, advise patients to visit at least every 12 months, ideally every six. Regular visits to Mckenzies in London Road allow us to spot any issues early before they become painful…

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Smile and spread some Christmas cheer in Sevenoaks!

17 November 2016  

If we feel confident about our teeth, we are more likely to smile fully and unselfconsciously. There are lots of benefits of smiling, so spread some happiness this Christmas with a beaming smile. Smiling is contagious and studies report that just seeing one person smiling activates the area of our brains that controls our facial…

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Sevenoaks dentists say early diagnosis of mouth cancer saves lives

19 October 2016  

Our Sevenoaks dentists explain that more than 2,000 people lose their life to mouth cancer in the UK every year. Although the number of mouth cancer cases has increased steadily over the last decade, more people are being treated successfully and are living for longer. Early detection for mouth cancer results in a survival outcome…

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Look after your oral health during pregnancy advise Sevenoaks Dentists

15 September 2016  

A woman’s body goes through an enormous amount of change during pregnancy and requires some serious TLC. The dentists and hygienists at Mckenzies Dental Surgery are advising mums-to-be to pay special attention to their gums. The changes in hormones during pregnancy can cause women to suffer from sore, painful gums, mouth ulcers and gum disease,…

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16 August 2016  

We at Mckenzies Dental Surgery are aware that keeping our staff members hydrated will aid them to perform at their very best throughout the work day. As a result, we decided to invest in watercoolers from AquAid. Our unique relationship with AquAid has also given our company the opportunity to help those less fortunate than…

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Give your child the best start possible, advise Sevenoaks dentists

3 August 2016  

Children smile up to 400 times a day – and their smiles are powerful! A study called the Smile Back Project by the University of Cambridge revealed that adults smile 13 per cent more frequently when with children than when in the presence of adults or being alone. It also shows how the condition of…

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